Quote #968
Submitted by:Mega`Adnan on August 4, 2015
[19:50:47] Mega`Adnan> aw well
[19:51:00] Mega`Adnan> I was so over pro'd
[19:51:02] Fox`Artec> ok, going to switch to the other SIM card
[19:51:03] Fox`Artec> cya
[19:51:07] Fox`Artec> take care, Adnan)
[19:51:07] Mega`Adnan> that my pro fuse got burned
[19:51:08] Mega`Adnan> xD
[19:51:10] Fox`Artec> my... ummm
[19:51:12] Fox`Artec> persony <3
[19:51:13] Fox`Artec> ;3
[19:51:24] Mega`Adnan> okey Foxy <3
[19:51:28] * Fox`Artec has quit ( [2.9.2] The Wheat Snooper 2.9.2)
[19:51:31] Mega`Adnan> gl changing SIM ;3