Quote #933
July 18, 2015
1:17:32 PM RandomBot: Only ChanServ knows.
1:17:45 PM MarianRV: :'(
1:17:45 PM Godmax: when will this start?
1:17:47 PM Godmax: in 2020?
1:17:55 PM Mega`Adnan: 22nd century
1:17:56 PM `X-Force`: by 2020...
1:17:56 PM `X-Force`: by 2020...
1:17:58 PM Mega`Adnan: 2100
1:18:03 PM MarianRV: every tournament has to have sign-ups open for atleast half hour
1:18:07 PM MarianRV: so you have to wait 13 mins atleast
1:18:16 PM Godmax: But better do that 15 min before the official date or sth.
1:18:16 PM MarianRV: afaik