Quote #930
July 18, 2015
1:15:13 PM RandomBot: Not in this universe.
1:15:18 PM MarianRV: ok,traitorbot
1:15:20 PM Godmax: there you go
1:15:22 PM MarianRV: I hate you RandomBot!
1:15:22 PM RandomBot: What did I do, MarianRV? :(
1:15:36 PM MarianRV: ok,I love you RandomBot ,3
1:15:36 PM RandomBot: Thank you, MarianRV!
1:16:06 PM Mega`Adnan: !yn Will I be old enough to see Doraemon in 2100?
1:16:06 PM RandomBot: Yes.
1:16:09 PM Mega`Adnan: <3
1:16:11 PM SpyVsSpyFan: RandomBot, you're a hurricane!
1:16:12 PM RandomBot: Dunno what you mean, SpyVsSpyFan, but it sounds cool.