Quote #918
July 18, 2015
1:03:46 PM RandomBot: Sorry, I don't provide player lists.
1:03:52 PM `X-Force`: yes you do.
1:03:58 PM `X-Force`: !yn will Godmax win?
1:03:59 PM RandomBot: Can't be.
1:04:04 PM Godmax: wtf
1:04:21 PM SpyVsSpyFan: !yn will taner be banned from the Worm Olympics?
1:04:21 PM `X-Force`: !yn will Godmax defeat others?
1:04:22 PM RandomBot: Not in this universe.
1:04:23 PM RandomBot: Hell no!
1:04:34 PM Godmax: If i progress to round 2 i will already dance samba naked count on it
1:04:48 PM WTF-8: !yn will taner be banned from the Worm Olympics?
1:04:48 PM RandomBot: Yes, for sure.
1:05:08 PM Mega`Adnan: spleen
1:05:12 PM Mega`Adnan: rh?
1:05:13 PM Godmax: !yn Will Adnan disconnect immediately after the match has started?
1:05:13 PM RandomBot: Hell no!
1:05:15 PM Godmax: fuck it
1:05:20 PM Mega`Adnan: hahaha
1:05:21 PM Mega`Adnan: xD