Quote #847
February 15, 2015
MODHurz: was short ones, ye
MODHurz: couldnt play half of my fav schemes cuz work :(
SpyVsSpyFan: Did I see a WQDB-worthy quote there?
MODHurz: Welcome to the last Tournament of Winter Worm Olympics, Mine Madness (no rope)! To join Tourney send a message with your name, clan, country & whether you can host or not to MODHurz! Infos here: http://wormolympics.com/t1620
Korydex: 2 hours 48 minutes game time for me
Korydex: lol really? :d
Korydex: thought i played a bit more rofl
`PyroMan: !yn did he see WQDB worthy quote here?
RandomBot: Yah.
`PyroMan: there you go
MODHurz: In-Game Time: 13 minutes (25% playing) for me rofl
Korydex: hauahauabh
Korydex: wtf
MODHurz: 13 minutes = 5 medals? :D
`PyroMan: thats what she said
MODHurz: hehe
MODHurz: damn cant get the cork out of bottle :/