Quote #333
[16:59:00] [imagination] normal
[16:59:01] [Godmax] dont fucking ban my fucking server all the time
[16:59:03] [Godmax] we cant some highh quality tobi matches
[16:59:04] [tobi] cruelest war made by max
[16:59:05] [Godmax] lets go
[16:59:06] [tobi] join unbelievable wild max game best server in the universe
[16:59:07] [Godmax] now join my wild server
[16:59:08] [tobi] its incredible wild max time highest entertainment best maps short version best game ever
[16:59:09] [tobi] join unbelievable wild max game best server in the universe
[16:59:11] [tobi] cruelest war made by max
[16:59:12] Quit: tobi (Local kill by ChanServ (:IP:tobi))
[16:59:14] [Godmax] dont go to the fucking normal or wwe or what the fuck ever server
[16:59:18] [Godmax] COME TO MY SERVER NOW!!! THANK YO
[16:59:23] [Godmax] its best entertainment EVER
[16:59:28] [Godmax] because of TOBI
[16:59:31] [Godmax] NOT NORMAL
[16:59:36] [Godmax] MAX MATCH NOW!!! COME ON
[16:59:38] [Rekognition] GOdmax adnd tobi you 2 are curseed noobs
[16:59:43] [tobi] dont fucking kick me you fuckers
[16:59:44] [Rekognition] Please stop bothering us
[16:59:55] [Godmax] fuck your fucking self you son of a fucking bitch you asshole(s)! FUCKJ YOU! THIS IS THE BETS SERVER EVER
[16:59:55] Quit: Godmax (Local kill by ChanServ (:IP:Godmax))
[16:59:56] [Rekognition] Piss of and go to wow. That is for noobs
[17:00:09] [Godmax] now lets go
[17:00:13] [Rekognition] LoL only noobs calls game server
[17:00:17] [Godmax] come to my great max serverN
[17:00:19] [Godmax] NOW
[17:00:20] [Rekognition] Pros calls it host or games
[17:00:21] Quit: Godmax (Remote closed the connection)
[17:00:31] [tobi] now join the incredible max game and dont fucking kick best players ever