Quote #264
[17:39:12] [STAxDoubletimes]presss allt + F4 to come to the edditing menu hawks
[17:39:26] [seahawks] thx :)
[17:39:40] [STAxDoubletimes] why not try it know =)
[17:39:54] [seahawks] ok, i will
[17:40:11] Quit:seahawks (Remote closed the connection)
[17:40:16] [STAxDoubletimes] ROFLMAO at all newbs XD
[17:40:30] Join: seahawks
[17:40:41] [seahawks] Why didn't it work ?
[17:40:59] [STAxDoubletimes] Prolly because you downloaded wa illegally from thepirate bay. It only works with cd.
[17:41:10] [seahawks] Is it illegal to download from thepiratebay ?
[17:41:12] [STAxDoubletimes] sigh ! ban user seahwaks