Quote #1092
August 25, 2017
<DarkOne> We're 4 months in, and so far, only 28 replays (2 of which have already been labeled unexceptional or disqualified) have been submitted for WSE. I'm sure there are a couple of truly awful turns that haven't been submitted yet.
<DarkOne> Please don't forget to submit them, though! Your replay might live on for eternity and if everybody submits their great fails, it's more to enjoy for everybody.
<nino> The big fail that i did was not really i who did, it was my parents who decided to fuck in a bad day so 9 months later what happens??? i born huahauhau :D :D :D
<DarkOne> Not sure how you'd plan to post that replay, but I'm sure it won't count for the 2017 awards :)