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Quote #1084

July 7, 2017
#1084 - Rating 2 - Vote Down Vote Up Flag
<Jengu> Would you say knocking before cba/wba is against the rules?
<Jengu> xDNCxGhost64x seems to think so.
<Squirminator2k> Personally? No.
<Squirminator2k> And according to's text for CBA: "The rule obliges all players to collect a crate before attacking with a weapon (rope knocking not included)."
<Squirminator2k> So rope knocking is permitted and acceptable.
<Jengu> Good to know. That is how I have always played.
<Squirminator2k> As a general rule, I never regard the rule lawyering of a player with more than two x's in their username.
<Jengu> That sounds like a good rule.
<Squirminator2k> I accept one x as a divider, and one x in the name itself (e.g. WORMxEXECUTOR)
<Squirminator2k> Beyond that, it's just silly.
<Squirminator2k> xDIPxLEMONxAIDx27x
<Squirminator2k> xxxxxxxxBEES